Thursday, January 28, 2010

Letter Asking For Contributions For Wedding Gift Letter Etiquette?

Letter etiquette? - letter asking for contributions for wedding gift

Ok, I write a letter to send to local businesses to solicit contributions, because I was offered a sports trips. How to approach / start the letter, Hello, my name is ... Or shall I write, my dear "business" ... any advice would be appreciated! Some other councils .. Thank you! : D


odie said...

OK - How much do you know how to give? If it is $ 25, then recognize that a payment of $ 25/hour is very good, so you spend 5 minutes before the name of the business owner.
The entrepreneur is more of someone they know to support because the children of employees asking for support staff per year. Think about how you contribute, its movement in a positive PR for it can - in his diary writes about business and travel, to help you?
Are you sure that the voyage is offered is real? If so must the developers to help fund-raising consulting.

dawnb said...

Please do not send letters, without knowing who a. You can go online and find the name of the director or Director of Marketing & Letters should be directed specifically to them. Your letter must emerge to explain the purpose of the letter that your organization and what they want to achieve, and how they can help. Your letter should tell them that you send your answers / contributions and thank you then end of his appreciation for his commitment and interest, and we them.

qareport... said...

If you know the owner of this company, I would use his name to ... Customize Mr. Johnson, etc., so I do not think this is accidental. They tend to read the letter in its entirety, when you customize it.

Gary P said...

Call the company and ask the reception on behalf of the CEO, who will be glad to give you. Start the letter with your name, for example, Very Dear xxxxx

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