Tuesday, January 26, 2010

Penis Cake Lobster Where Can I Get A Penis Shaped Cake In St. Louis?

Where can I get a penis shaped cake in St. Louis? - penis cake lobster

My friend is looking for a penis-shaped cake of your party is pure romance. Has anyone from a bakery in the neighborhood of St. Louis is to know state of BI?


chefgril... said...

You can not call themselves a bakery break, the Yellow Pages and call around. Ask politely if they would be an "erotic" cake. If they say no, so no further details. I'm sure some bakery would be: "What are you looking for" erotic "? So can say. In this way does not sound like you or your friend like jokers.

Sounds like a fun party!

chefgril... said...

You can not call themselves a bakery break, the Yellow Pages and call around. Ask politely if they would be an "erotic" cake. If they say no, so no further details. I'm sure some bakery would be: "What are you looking for" erotic "? So can say. In this way does not sound like you or your friend like jokers.

Sounds like a fun party!

shadowst... said...

No, but if you go to sell some stores, the pornographic items novilty or online research about a place, one is sold in a manner and bake found. Good luck.

lpaganus said...

Share your own, you must have seen this book. Cut the cake in the shape of the leaf, the highest (which is a compliment), ex-wives can enjoy cutting, have .. "Here, cad"

tomhale1... said...

Ive seen the line of tin, I forget which, perhaps, I could buy just a regular square cake and some bobbiting in the same or that anti bobitting?

Kyle Z said...

Cake? Who needs cake? I've had the real thing!

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